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Tim Kirby

Tim Kirby photo Tim Kirby
  • Black 9th Degree

Grandmaster Tim Kirby holds a 9th degree black belt in Taekwondo and is one of the most recognizable names in Texas karate history. He is the youngest person with this rank in Allen Steen's world-renowned brand of Texas karate which is known for its excellence in the competitive ring and effectiveness on the street – a no-nonsense approach to self-defense.

Grandmaster KIrby has over 40 years of martial arts experience, six Texas State championship titles, seven U.S. Karate championship titles, 22 consecutive kata (form) victories, and the first (and only) fighter to receive the Sportsmanship award from the State of Texas. Even so, he is most proud of his coaching expertise, having brought many of his students to championships as well. He provides a unique and incomparable depth of experience in teaching people of all ages.

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